Saturday 27 March 2010

So this is it...

Oh hey... Looks like you've found the Metropolise blog... Basically started this as it's a lot better for info than Facebook and I mean, who the fuck still uses Myspace? I sure as hell don't, and I'm pretty sure you don't either. When we get some information about a gig that we'll be playing at, or stuff for our upcoming EP, then we'll let you know on here! I don't really have too much to tell you about right now... we're still writing tunes and getting the set together as well as preparing for our upcoming recording sessions; it's all going well and we're all pretty happy with the stuff that's coming out at the moment so I'm hoping you guys will also like the new songs and embrace them into your lives. We do have a gig coming up actually, maybe I should plug that... It's in Bournemouth Gardens on the almighty bandstand! Imagine that... it's gonna be awesome, and it is on April 24th and we're playing at about 2pm, so if you're working then get it off and come see an awesome show!

Anyways, better finish it off as I'm probably rambling, so have a good rest of your weekend!

Mike xz (we still use it by the way...)

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